Canon PowerShot G9 X vs Sony Cyber-shot RX100 VI Compare

Here you can find digital cameras comparison. Pick up with the best rating.

Cameras which are being compared are Enthusiast Compact cameras.

PowerShot G9 X vs Cyber-shot RX100 VI - Side by side

Learn more about compared cameras specifications below.

Canon PowerShot G9 X vs Sony Cyber-shot RX100 VI Specs

PowerShot G9 X

  • Introduced in September 2015
  • Enthusiast Compact
  • Sensor: 1″
  • 20 megapixel
  • 6 frames/second
  • 125 – 12800 ISO
  • 1920 x 1080 Video
  • No viewfinder
  • 75.00mm (3.0″) Monitor
  • Zoom 28-84mm (3x), f2.0-4.9
  • WiFi built-in
  • 98 x 58 x 31mm³ (3.9″ x 2.3″ x 1.2″)
  • 209g (6.7 oz.)

All specs: Main page for PowerShot G9 X

Cyber-shot RX100 VI

  • Introduced in June 2018
  • Enthusiast Compact
  • Sensor: 1″
  • 20 megapixel
  • 24 frames/second
  • 125 – 12800 ISO
  • 3840 x 2160 Video
  • Viewfinder: Elektronic
  • 75.00mm (3.0″) Monitor, articulated
  • Zoom 24-200mm (8x), f2.8-4.5
  • WiFi built-in
  • 101.6 x 58.1 x 42.8mm³ (4.0″ x 2.3″ x 1.7″)
  • 301g (9.7 oz.)

All specs: Main page for Cyber-shot RX100 VI

PowerShot G9 X vs Cyber-shot RX100 VI Sensors

On the pictures below the sensor areas of cameras are highlighted.

This infographic highlights the sensor areas of both models compared to other common sensor formats:

Info graphic: PowerShot G9 X an Cyber-shot RX100 VI sensor comparison

Note: 1-Euro coin for scale; the coin at 23.25mm diameter is slightly smaller than a US quarter.

The 1″ sensor built into both cameras has a total area of about 116mm² (4.6

Canon PowerShot G9 X VS Sony Cyber-shot RX100 VI Other Specs Comparison

Why is Canon PowerShot G9 X a better choice

PowerShot G9 X

Cyber-shot RX100 VI

Wider resolution (5, megapixel)

20.20 20.10
Better monitor (2, Megapixel)

1.04 0.92
Weighs less (2)

(6.7 oz.)
(9.7 oz.)
More portable (2)


Conclusion: Advantages of the PowerShot G9 X are the higher resolution, that the display has a higher resolution and the lower weight than the Cyber-shot RX100 VI. Another advantage over the Cyber-shot RX100 VI: the more compact size.

The PowerShot G9 X scores 11 points.

Otherwise why to choose Sony Cyber-shot RX100 VI

PowerShot G9 X

Cyber-shot RX100 VI

Higher speed (4, frames/second)

6 24
Auto Focus points (4)

31 315
Articulated monitor (2)

Better Video (2)

1920 x 1080 3840 x 2160
Longer battery life (3, photos)

220 240

Conclusion: Advantages of the Cyber-shot RX100 VI are that the camera is faster, the faster and more accurate auto focus and the articulated display. A recommendation of the Cyber-shot RX100 VI is made easy by the superior video recording and that the battery has more stamina.

Yields 15 points for the Cyber-shot RX100 VI.

Common Specs for both cameras compared

PowerShot G9 X

Cyber-shot RX100 VI

Sensor format

1″ 1″

125 – 12800 ISO 125 – 12800 ISO
Built-in flash

Image stabilizer

Touch screen


Canon PowerShot G9 X VS Sony Cyber-shot RX100 VI Dimensions

Look at front view of the PowerShot G9 X and Cyber-shot RX100 VI

Top view of cameras

Total scores

Here’s the total score according to comparison above:

Canon PowerShot G9 X

Sony Cyber-shot RX100 VI


We advise to choose the newest model: Sony Cyber-shot RX100 VI.