Fujifilm X-T30 vs Olympus OM-D E-M1 Compare

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Cameras which are being compared are Mirrorless cameras.

X-T30 vs OM-D E-M1 - Side by side

Learn more about compared cameras specifications below.

Fujifilm X-T30 vs Olympus OM-D E-M1 Specs


  • Introduced in February 2019
  • Mirrorless
  • Sensor: APS-C
  • 26 megapixel
  • 8 frames/second
  • 200 – 12800 ISO
  • 3840 x 2160 Video
  • Viewfinder: Elektronic
  • 76.00mm (3.0″) Monitor, articulated
  • Lens mount X-Bajonett
  • WiFi built-in
  • 118.4 x 82.8 x 46.8mm³ (4.7″ x 3.3″ x 1.8″)
  • 383g (12.4 oz.)

All specs: Main page for X-T30


  • Introduced in September 2013
  • Mirrorless
  • Sensor: Four Thirds
  • 16 megapixel
  • 10 frames/second
  • 200 – 25600 ISO
  • 1920 x 1080 Video
  • Viewfinder: Elektronic
  • 76.00mm (3.0″) Monitor, articulated
  • Lens mount Micro Four Thirds (MFT)
  • WiFi built-in
  • 130.14 x 93.5 x 63.1mm³ (5.1″ x 3.7″ x 2.5″)
  • 497g (16.0 oz.)

All specs: Main page for OM-D E-M1

X-T30 vs OM-D E-M1 Sensors

On the pictures below the sensor areas of cameras are highlighted.

This infographic highlights the sensor areas of both models compared to other common sensor formats:

Better choice: Fujifilm X-T30

X-T30 vs OM-D E-M1: Viewfinder

X-T30 has an electronic viewfinder and it’s resolution is 2.36 megapixel with magnification of 0.62x.

OM-D E-M1 has an electronic viewfinder with resolution 2.36 megapixel, it’s magnification is 0.74x.

Viewfinder magnifications of compared cameras. The black area shows a magnification of 1x, relative to native size; in red is a magnification of 0.85x.

X-T30 (0.62x)

OM-D E-M1 (0.74x)

Note: Differences in the image area are the result of different image ratios, 3:2 or 4:3. That can make it difficult to compare the viewfinder magnification of both cameras. However, with these two cameras the difference is considerable in any case.

Fujifilm X-T30 VS Olympus OM-D E-M1 Other Specs Comparison

Why is Fujifilm X-T30 a better choice



Larger sensor (5)

APS-C Four Thirds
Wider resolution (5, megapixel)

26.10 16.30
Auto Focus points (4)

425 81
Built-in flash (2)

Better Video (2)

3840 x 2160 1920 x 1080
Longer battery life (3, photos)

380 350
Weighs less (2)

(12.4 oz.)
(16.0 oz.)
More portable (2)

(29 cu.in.)
(48 cu.in.)

Conclusion: Advantages of the X-T30 are the larger sensor, the higher resolution and the faster and more accurate auto focus. Additional pros for the Fujifilm are the built-in flash, the superior video recording and that the battery has more stamina. Another advantage over the OM-D E-M1: the lower weight than the OM-D E-M1 and the more compact size.

The X-T30 scores 25 points.

Otherwise why to choose Olympus OM-D E-M1



Higher speed (4, frames/second)

8 10
Better sensibility (4)

200 – 12800 ISO 200 – 25600 ISO
Larger lens selection (3)

25 80
Image stabilizer (3)

Environmental sealing (2)

Conclusion: Advantages of the OM-D E-M1 are that the camera is faster, the larger sensitivity and the larger selection of lenses. We also like the optical image stabilizer.

Yields 14 points for the OM-D E-M1.

Common Specs for both cameras compared



Sensor cleaning

Sensor resolution (MP)

1.04 1.04
Articulated screen

Touch screen

External microphone


Fujifilm X-T30 VS Olympus OM-D E-M1 Dimensions

Look at front view of the X-T30 and OM-D E-M1

Top view of cameras

Total scores

Here’s the total score according to comparison above:

Fujifilm X-T30

Olympus OM-D E-M1


We recommend Fujifilm X-T30 as better choice.