Canon EOS 250D / SL3 (Rebel SL3) vs Pentax K-3 II Compare

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Cameras which are being compared are Amateur DSLR cameras.

EOS 250D / SL3 vs K-3 II - Side by side

Learn more about compared cameras specifications below.

Canon EOS 250D / SL3 / Rebel SL3 vs Pentax K-3 II Specs

EOS 250D / SL3

  • Introduced in April 2019
  • Amateur DSLR
  • Sensor: APS-C
  • 24 megapixel
  • 5 frames/second
  • 100 – 25600 ISO
  • 3840 x 2160 Video
  • Viewfinder: Optical (Penta mirror)
  • 76.00mm (3.0″) Monitor, articulated
  • Lens mount EF, EF-S
  • WiFi built-in
  • 122.4 x 92.6 x 69.8mm³ (4.8″ x 3.6″ x 2.7″)
  • 450g (14.5 oz.)

All specs: Main page for EOS 250D / SL3

K-3 II

  • Introduced in April 2015
  • Amateur DSLR
  • Sensor: APS-C
  • 23 megapixel
  • 8 frames/second
  • 100 – 51200 ISO
  • 1920 x 1080 Video
  • Viewfinder: Optical (Penta prism)
  • 81.00mm (3.2″) Monitor
  • Lens mount KAF2
  • No WiFi
  • 131.5 x 102.5 x 77.5mm³ (5.2″ x 4.0″ x 3.1″)
  • 785g (25.3 oz.)

All specs: Main page for K-3 II

EOS 250D / SL3 vs K-3 II Sensors

On the pictures below the sensor areas of cameras are highlighted.

This infographic highlights the sensor areas of both models compared to other common sensor formats:

Info graphic: EOS 250D / SL3 an K-3 II sensor comparison

EOS 250D / SL3 vs K-3 II: Viewfinder

EOS 250D / SL3 has an optical viewfinder with penta mirror. It has magnification of 0.54x and covers 95% of view field.

The K-3 II has an optical viewfinder with a penta prism. It’s magnification is 0.59x covering 100% of view field.

Viewfinder magnifications of compared cameras. The black area shows a magnification of 1x, relative to native size; in red is a magnification of 0.85x.

EOS 250D / SL3 (0.54x)

K-3 II (0.59x)

Better choice: Pentax K-3 II

Canon EOS 250D / SL3 VS Pentax K-3 II Other Specs Comparison

Why is Canon EOS 250D / SL3 / Rebel SL3 a better choice

EOS 250D / SL3

K-3 II

Wider resolution (5, megapixel)

24.00 23.35
Larger lens selection (3)

220 40
Built-in flash (2)

Articulated monitor (2)

Touch screen (2)

Better Video (2)

3840 x 2160 1920 x 1080
Longer battery life (3, photos)

1050 720
Weighs less (2)

(14.5 oz.)
(25.3 oz.)
More portable (2)

WiFi (2)

Conclusion: Advantages of the EOS 250D / SL3 are the higher resolution, the larger selection of lenses and the built-in flash. A nice touch is the articulated display, the rather comfortable touch screen and the superior video recording. A recommendation of the EOS 250D / SL3 is made easy by that the battery has more stamina, the lower weight than the K-3 II and the more compact size. Finally, there’s the the built-in wifi that permits remote shooting and image transfer without the need for a cable connection.

The EOS 250D / SL3 scores 25 points.

Otherwise why to choose Pentax K-3 II

EOS 250D / SL3

K-3 II

Higher speed (4, frames/second)

5 8
Auto Focus points (4)

9 27
Better sensibility (4)

100 – 25600 ISO 100 – 51200 ISO
Better viewfinder (4)

Penta mirror Penta prism
Image stabilizer (3)

USB 3.0 (2)

GPS (2)

Environmental sealing (2)

Conclusion: Advantages of the K-3 II are that the camera is faster, the faster and more accurate auto focus and the larger sensitivity. We also like the better viewfinder, the optical image stabilizer and the support for USB 3.0. HArdly a luxury, given today’s image size and the requirements of 4K video. Finally, there’s the the built-in GPS.

Yields 23 points for the K-3 II.

Common Specs for both cameras compared

EOS 250D / SL3

K-3 II

Sensor format

Sensor cleaning

Sensor resolution (MP)

1.04 1.04
External microphone

Canon EOS 250D / SL3 VS Pentax K-3 II Dimensions

Look at front view of the EOS 250D / SL3 and K-3 II

Top view of cameras

Total scores

Here’s the total score according to comparison above:

Canon EOS 250D / SL3 / Rebel SL3

Pentax K-3 II


We advise to choose the newest model: Canon EOS 250D / SL3.