Canon PowerShot G1 X Mk. III vs Canon PowerShot G9 X Mk. II Compare

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Cameras which are being compared are Enthusiast Compact cameras.

PowerShot G1 X Mk. III vs PowerShot G9 X Mk. II - Side by side

Learn more about compared cameras specifications below.

Canon PowerShot G1 X Mk. III vs Canon PowerShot G9 X Mk. II: Specifications at a glance

PowerShot G1 X Mk. III

  • Introduced in October 2017
  • Enthusiast Compact
  • Sensor: APS-C
  • 24 megapixel
  • 9 frames/second
  • 100 – 25600 ISO
  • 1920 x 1080 Video
  • Viewfinder: Elektronic
  • 76.00mm (3.0″) Monitor, articulated
  • Zoom 24-72mm (3x), f2.8-5.6
  • WiFi built-in
  • 115 x 77.9 x 51.4mm³ (4.5″ x 3.1″ x 2.0″)
  • 399g (12.9 oz.)

All specs: Main page for PowerShot G1 X Mk. III

PowerShot G9 X Mk. II

  • Introduced in January 2017
  • Enthusiast Compact
  • Sensor: 1″
  • 20 megapixel
  • 8 frames/second
  • 125 – 12800 ISO
  • 1920 x 1080 Video
  • No viewfinder
  • 75.00mm (3.0″) Monitor
  • Zoom 28-84mm (3x), f2.0-4.9
  • WiFi built-in
  • 98 x 58 x 31mm³ (3.9″ x 2.3″ x 1.2″)
  • 206g (6.6 oz.)

All specs: Main page for PowerShot G9 X Mk. II

PowerShot G1 X Mk. III vs PowerShot G9 X Mk. II: The sensors

The PowerShot G1 X Mk. III features a APS-C sized sensor, while the PowerShot G9 X Mk. II uses a 1″ sensor.

This infographic highlights the sensor areas of both models compared to other common sensor formats:

Note: 1-Euro coin for scale; the coin at 23.25mm diameter is slightly smaller than a US quarter.

Boasting an area of 332mm² (0.53 the sensor of the PowerShot G1 X Mk. III is a lot larger than the PowerShot G9 X Mk. II’s chip at 116mm² (0.19 In most cases a larger sensor will yield better results in low light, a considerable advantage in many situations (e.g. interior images), a clear disadvantage of the 1″ format.

Better choice: Canon PowerShot G1 X Mk. III

Canon PowerShot G1 X Mk. III VS Canon PowerShot G9 X Mk. II Other Specs Comparison

Why is Canon PowerShot G1 X Mk. III a better choice

PowerShot G1 X Mk. III

PowerShot G9 X Mk. II

Larger sensor (5)

APS-C 1″
Sensor cleaning (3)

Wider resolution (5, megapixel)

24.20 20.10
Higher speed (4, frames/second)

9 8
Auto Focus points (4)

49 31
Better sensibility (4)

100 – 25600 ISO 125 – 12800 ISO
Articulated monitor (2)

Environmental sealing (2)

Conclusion: Advantages of the PowerShot G1 X Mk. III are the larger sensor, built-in automatic sensor cleaning and the higher resolution. Additional pros for the Canon are that the camera is faster, the faster and more accurate auto focus and the larger sensitivity. We also like the articulated display.

The PowerShot G1 X Mk. III scores 27 points.

Otherwise why to choose Canon PowerShot G9 X Mk. II

PowerShot G1 X Mk. III

PowerShot G9 X Mk. II

Longer battery life (3, photos)

200 235
Weighs less (2)

(12.9 oz.)
(6.6 oz.)
More portable (2)


Conclusion: Advantages of the PowerShot G9 X Mk. II are that the battery has more stamina, the lower weight than the PowerShot G1 X Mk. III and the more compact size.

Yields 7 points for the PowerShot G9 X Mk. II.

Common Specs for both cameras compared

PowerShot G1 X Mk. III

PowerShot G9 X Mk. II

Built-in flash

Image stabilizer

Sensor resolution (MP)

1.04 1.04
Touch screen

Video resolution

1920 x 1080 1920 x 1080

Canon PowerShot G1 X Mk. III VS Canon PowerShot G9 X Mk. II Dimensions

Look at front view of the PowerShot G1 X Mk. III and PowerShot G9 X Mk. II

PowerShot G1 X Mk. III und PowerShot G9 X Mk. II, front view

Top view of cameras

PowerShot G1 X Mk. III und PowerShot G9 X Mk. II, view from above

Total scores

Here’s the total score according to comparison above:

Canon PowerShot G1 X Mk. III

Canon PowerShot G9 X Mk. II


We recommend Canon PowerShot G1 X Mk. III as better choice.